3350 SW 148th Avenue Suite 110, Miramar, FL 33027   |   Phone: +1 (786) 625-2211   |  E-mail: info@latinoamericaresorts.com


Date/Fecha: Customer Code/Código de Cliente:
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Address / Dirección:
City / Ciudad – Country / País - ZIP Code / CP: 
Phone / Teléfono: Email/ Correo electrónico:

  Qty / Cantidad   Description / Descripción Price / Precio
1        USD  

  Amount charged / Monto procesado en esta factura: USD
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Billing Statement Summary / Resumen de Facturación

 Total amount to pay / Monto total a pagar: USD   Total paid amount / Monto total pagado: USD   Current balance / Saldo pendiente:  

*This charge is processed by LatinoamericaResorts.com a corporate division of Lakes Global Enterprise Inc. *This invoice does not include tax or hotel fees. *By accepting this invoice, you accept the sale terms and conditions: www.latinoamericaresorts.com/terms-and-conditions/ |*Cargo procesado por LatinoamericaResorts.com - División de Lakes Global Enterprise Inc. *No se incluyen impuestos y tarifas * Se aceptan los términos y condiciones de venta.

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Signature Certificate
Document name: Invoice - Factura | LatinoamericaResorts.com
lock iconUnique Document ID: 534d5b1d1ce213a9de5adb2573d16973532cd4fe
Timestamp Audit
August 4, 2022 1:28 pm EDTInvoice - Factura | LatinoamericaResorts.com Uploaded by Lakes Global Resorts - cliente@lakesglobalresorts.com IP